Employee spotlight: Ivan Tomić

As one of the employees with the longest tenure, colleagues describe Ivan Tomić, our IT Administrator, as patient and good-spirited—make sure you check out his recipe for a stress-free life, along with some of his interests.

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How did you first learn about Barrage, and what has kept you here?

The first time I heard about Barrage was from my colleagues while working at my previous job. A good friend started working here, and I talked to him about it—he presented good arguments and attractive potential, which caught my attention. I decided to try it and applied for the job, and obviously, I was successful!

Since I started working here, my position has evolved quite a bit. It is entirely different from the day I started, which is one of the main reasons I am still here. I have learned a lot and developed myself as a person and employee. Also, I have a chance to meet and work with many interesting people.

As you mentioned, during your 6 years here, you have had a dynamic career development—what drew you to your current role as an IT administrator?

My career at Barrage has been a dynamic journey, shaped by the company's evolving needs and my own professional growth. I began as a customer service representative, leveraging my previous experience to meet the company's requirements. Over time, my role has transformed significantly, culminating in my current position as an IT Administrator.

I have always been interested in computers and technology. For the last twenty years, I have tinkered with various computer parts and computers (building, dismantling, testing, overclocking, etc.), which is one of my main interests. So, when the opportunity arose, I applied for the role and got the job—and I’m grateful that I was given a chance. I also have to thank my wife for supporting me and encouraging me to take the opportunity.

Tinkering with computer parts

Tinkering with computer parts

Before working at Barrage, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

One of the most interesting and challenging jobs I had was the summer when I drove a taxi. That was a unique experience from which I learned valuable lessons. Driving a taxi is simple in its nature, but in reality, you go through many challenging situations. I am not going to talk about any specific event but let's just say that I once had to fend off a drunk passenger and drive away furiously, like in an action movie. 

Also, it was more challenging than it needed to be since we drove a bit more hours than allowed. And when I say “a bit”, I mean a lot more than it’s legal. Besides not being paid for those overtime hours, the double shifts mean that we were often tired and that’s not a good idea when you are behind the wheel. And that was also the reason I quit that job as soon as possible.

What is your team like?

I find my team very interesting. Suffice it to say that we have a knight among us! At least that's in the name of his association, "Vitezovi zlatne kune." Medieval chivalry aside, I like how all my colleagues in the office where I work love tech as I do, and we are very enthusiastic whenever we have some new gadget or device in the office. If one of us gets something new, we all gather around, and you can see the pure, genuine interest in the technology in all of us. We share a similar passion when it comes to tech. 

Also, they are supportive and great to work with. A good and encouraging work culture is vital, and I have that between my colleagues in the office and the company itself.

Do you have any strategies for dealing with stress?

Yes, I do have, and the strategy is to make yourself as stress-free as possible. I know that sounds like a utopia, but only we can manage our emotions and minds. Only we can decide how to cope with stress and everyday tasks. For sure, each person has a unique set of challenges, but you have to do what you can to mitigate the effects of stress on yourself. 

My mechanism is to try your best and do what you can in stressful situations and everyday tasks as rationally as possible. Therefore, why stress yourself more than necessary if that can not change a thing? You will not be able to help yourself or others if you are stressed or put yourself under unnecessary pressure.

Stress is one of the most critical topics in a working environment and should receive more attention in general. It seems to me that, in some regards, it is still treated like taboo, which is wrong.

What do you like to do on your days off?

My hobbies are mainly focused on tinkering with the computer, gaming, sports (basketball), and dancing (I know, who would tell!). When I have time, I also like to clean my car; it is a relaxing thing for me, given my passion for cars. 

Sometimes I like to spend the afternoon binging on a good murder mystery or a thriller series/movie with my wife or we go for a bike ride or a walk.

To drive, or to dive

To drive, or to dive

How do you define success in life? 

Well, that is very complex and simple at the same time. It depends on what one aspires to or what motivates them. You can find it every day or catch it relentlessly for a lifetime. 

For me, it is to be happy and to surround myself with the people I love and care about. It really all starts from there, and then you can build up.

What is the most important thing you have learned in the last five years?  

I have learned a lot; at least, I hope I did. I believe you learn every day, and my life has changed for the better in the last five years, both personally and professionally. 

I have learned that core values are the most important, and that you must believe in yourself and be confident.

If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?

Well, that's easy. Considering my love and passion for Formula 1, I would like to work in the F1 team. It is too far-fetched to say I would drive the F1 car (although given the quality of Lance Stroll’s driving, him I could probably replace), but I will gladly replace some of the mechanics or IT staff in the teams. That would be, for sure, a fantastic experience.

F1 post-race celebration in Budapest, 2017

F1 post-race celebration in Budapest, 2017

A little bird told me that you are active on online forums: what topics do you participate in?

I mainly participate in the IT forums, less in the car forums, and, strangely, not in the F1 ones. Since I was interested in computers, hardware, and similar stuff from childhood, I started reading forums more than 15 years ago so I could build my custom computer.

It was fascinating to read about the experiences of people interested in the same stuff as me and to find information when I started my journey. Also, over the years, I began to participate more and ever since then, I’ve stayed an active member (more or less). I gladly help others, as others have helped me when I needed it. 

Who is the greatest Formula 1 driver of all time? And what about the greatest NBA player?

Well, the topics about the GOAT (the greatest of all times) always spark fierce debates. In some sports, it may be easier to say who’s the best, but I can not say the same for F1 and NBA. The competition is tough, and I guess every era has its heroes. 

Lewis Hamilton is arguably the most successful F1 driver ever, followed by Michael Schumacher. We also have the legendary Ayrton Senna and, for me, equally legendary Jim Clark. And we have one of the best, in my opinion, ever: Max Verstappen, the reigning champion. Placing them in a particular order from 1st to 5th is hard, but Max and Lewis are still active drivers, and Max particularly can have many more successful years to come. 

As for the NBA, I will be shorter in my favorites and thoughts, and I will say that Michael Jordan had the most significant influence and launched the NBA in the 90’s into the heights we see today. We had a lot of great players before and during the “Jordan era,” as well as after, but none of them achieved the success and worldwide acclamation Jordan did. He became more than an NBA player; he was an icon of the era, sports, and pop culture.

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

Well, I’ll be happy and relieved at the same time, that’s for sure. I would first take care of our finances and main life expenses, help my family where needed, and then think about all the other possibilities followed by the lottery win—and there are many, to say the least :D

Starting from my wife's and my wish list, there would be Harry Potter theme parks visits for sure; a trip to London would also make it to the list, as well as to northern Italy (because of the nature and scenery (my wife’s wish) and many legendary car manufacturers, including F1 (my wish)). It would be liberating to think you can do what you like on that scale.

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