Team Spotlight: Travelspot

We return to our special edition of the spotlight series with an interview with our Travelspot team. Discover how they operate and transform challenging business trips into enjoyable experiences.

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Frustrations are what gave rise to this team—but not in the way you think.

While traveling for business, our team members were stuck more than once at airports, losing luggage, sense of direction, and patience. Cancelled flights, seemingly unpredictable expenses, and long layovers caused significant frustration that even started affecting our business—until we decided to do something about it.

As a result, today, before you, you have an interview with Sanja and Tatjana, representatives of our Travelspot team: the team that ensures our clients’ (and our own) traveling experience is stress-free, allowing the travellers to focus on what really matters to them and that is work. 

Get a glimpse of the team's daily operations!

What is your proudest moment as a team?

TATJANA: My proudest moment as a team was during an important call with a potential client. We were all perfectly in sync, each contributing our expertise and supporting one another. It showed the strength of our teamwork and dedication and how effective we are when we work together towards a common goal.

SANJA: I am always proud of our teamwork. We cheer, support, and encourage each other. Teamwork exposes me to different perspectives and helps me gain new skills and experiences. 

It’s a continuous learning journey for all of us.

What does your typical day at work look like?  

TATJANA: A typical day at Travelspot involves planning, working with my team, and talking with clients. I start by checking key performance indicators and setting priorities, usually with a strong cup of coffee in hand. Then, I have meetings with my team to discuss ongoing projects and solve any concerns. I spend a lot of time looking at market trends, talking with potential clients, and creating sales strategies. Regular communication with our clients is key to keeping strong relationships and understanding their needs.

During breaks, Sanja and I often discuss what to order for lunch, and we both love Asian food, which adds a bit of fun to our busy day. 

SANJA: My typical day at work is structured until something goes wrong somewhere. 😂

My workday consists of daily communication with clients and the team. I organize all travel-related tasks, including booking flights, arranging accommodations, and handling logistics. I review upcoming trips to ensure all details are accurate. After completing trips, I check for client feedback to make sure they are satisfied. Additionally, I handle administrative tasks and have meetings with potential clients.

Sanja, you've been with us for 6 years—what is the biggest benefit of staying with the same company long-term?

Long-term work encourages strong relationships with colleagues, leading to a few lasting friendships I cherish very much. Over the years, I have accumulated valuable knowledge and experience specific to the company’s industry and operations. Additionally, staying with one company provided me with opportunities for career progression and growth within the organization. A combination of everything created a stable foundation for my personal and professional growth.

Tatjana, you are relatively new to the IT industry—how have you found it so far? 

Transitioning into the IT industry has been both challenging and rewarding. The fast pace and constant need to learn keep me interested and motivated. My background in business development and project management has given me useful skills in the IT field. Working with a great team and on new, exciting projects has made this journey very fulfilling.

Although I have to admit, I still don't understand half of the IT jokes, and sometimes it feels like they’re speaking Klingon!

Which other teams do you collaborate with the most?  

TATJANA: I collaborate closely with various teams, including the marketing team, product development team, and support team. This teamwork helps us make sure our plans match, and we provide great solutions for our clients. Regular communication and teamwork are essential to achieving our business objectives.

SANJA: I collaborate the most with our colleagues in Sweden and our marketing and sales team.

Both of you have backgrounds in the educational field: how did you end up in business travel management? 

TATJANA: My journey from education to business travel management was driven by a passion for continuous learning and the desire to apply my skills in new contexts. On a personal note, I was particularly motivated to transition into the IT industry to prove my brother wrong. He works in the IT sector and often told me that I wouldn't be able to get a permanent job position in this industry due to my educational background as an English Language and Literature and History Teacher. This challenge pushed me to try harder, and I am proud to say that not only did I land a job in IT, but I also excelled in a field that perfectly combines my skills and interests. 

This shows that with determination and the right chances, you can switch to new careers, even if they seem very different from your educational field.

SANJA: My entry into the business travel management sector was entirely unplanned. I applied for an open position in customer support, and that’s where my journey began. Gradually, I transitioned from customer support to more travel-oriented roles within the company. Initially, I had no educational background in travel management, but I quickly adapted to this fast-paced environment.

What do you do when you run into a blocker you can’t seem to resolve?

TATJANA: When I run into a problem I can't solve, I first ask my team and others for their ideas. Working together and getting different viewpoints usually helps us find creative solutions. If the problem persists, I break it down into smaller parts and handle each part one by one. I also reach out for outside help if needed. Staying positive and focused on finding solutions is crucial.

SANJA: I start by taking several deep breaths. :) I thoroughly assess the problem, considering its root, cause, and potential solutions. Then, I make a list of applicable strategies. I believe in collaboration, so I consult with my team, sharing insights and gathering their perspectives. Together, we come to a solution.

Sanja, you often have to be resourceful to get something done, so you must have some funny stories to tell—would you share an anecdote? 

In these 6 years, I have had quite a few unusual, funny, and stressful situations. One of those that I will never forget is the situation in which I had to ask for assistance from the traveler's grandmother to make sure that he would wake up on time.

Tatjana, are there any routines or habits that help you maintain a healthy work-life relationship?

Keeping a good work-life balance is very important for long-term success and well-being. I focus on managing my time well and separating specific time slots for work and personal activities. Regular exercise, like fitness training, is a key part of my routine, helping me stay physically and mentally fit. I also make sure to disconnect from work on weekends and spend quality time with family and friends.

What is one thing you cannot resist? 

TATJANA: One thing I absolutely cannot resist is “janjetina”, that is, roast lamb. It's like a hug from my taste buds every time I take a bite. It brings back fond memories of family gatherings and special occasions, and I’m convinced it has magical powers to make any day better.

SANJA: This is a very difficult question, given that I have several things that I can't resist. But sarma and Coca-Cola are definitely something I can't say no to.

What did you dream of becoming when you were a child?

TATJANA: When I was a child, I dreamt of becoming an archaeologist. I was fascinated by ancient civilizations, especially Egypt, and the mysteries of the pyramids. I used to imagine myself uncovering hidden treasures and deciphering hieroglyphics, solving the secrets of the pharaohs. The idea of exploring tombs and discovering artifacts that had been buried for thousands of years was incredibly exciting to me. 

SANJA: As a child, I aspired to be a teacher. I admired how elegantly dressed and put-together teachers always seemed. Another reason was my desire to positively impact children’s lives in a supportive and nurturing way.

Imagine this scenario—you are both working from home: who is more likely to show up in pajamas on a video call?

TATJANA: Oh, it would definitely be Sanja! While she's comfortably rocking her pajamas, you can bet that I'd still be in a dress and heels, even from home. I just can't resist the urge to stay stylish, no matter where I am.

SANJA: It would definitely be me, but in some cute pajamas. :)

What do you think?

If you have any questions about how Travelspot saves your company time and money, feel free to contact us.

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