
Shaping our reality. 

As an essential part of the digital world, design has the potential to upgrade the performance of every product and service. In a perfect ratio of content and context, a well-executed design brings users the simplicity of product use by following guidelines of functionality, psychology, and aesthetics.

Address the expectations of the users of your product by bringing technology closer to them through design.

Read about all the actions you can take to make that happen.

You need a design system and you need it now


Yes, you’ve read it right — but naturally, you shouldn’t take our word for it. Read on to learn just how your company can benefit from a defined design system.

Reading Time 7 minutes

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Investigating AI's potential in UX: advantages, threats, and trends for the future


Is AI an improvement for UX, or a threat? Be the first in line to find out why new AI trends caused a tempest of reactions in the designers’ world.

Reading Time 8 minutes

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Are you using unethical practices in UX design?


Design must accommodate users… or must it? Is there a chance that our choices as users are influenced by design, perhaps even manipulated? Answers to these questions can be found in this blog.

Reading Time 6 minutes

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Designer holding a pen over a drawing tablet

Things they don't teach you at school: a designer's first day at work


It’s no secret that the school can’t prepare us for everything we’ll face in the professional world - read on to discover some valuable lessons a UX/UI designer shared with her less experienced colleagues.

Reading Time 8 min

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