
More than just a tool.
Quality products are built through the application of good technology and even better technical skills. Problem-solving, value-maximizing, efficiency, innovation, security, and risk management depend on it.
And one way to master the skill is to show how a particular problem was solved and get useful feedback.
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Developing a custom Gradle plugin for formatting and static analysis

In the third and last blog of our series, we will help you to create and publish a custom Gradle plugin that automates ktfmt and detekt integration and simplifies your new projects' setup.

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Enhancing code quality with detekt for static analysis

In the 2nd part of the series, you will learn to integrate detekt for static code analysis in your Kotlin projects, optimize it for Jetpack Compose, and implement it in pre-commit hooks for better code quality.

Reading Time 10 min

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Implementing and automating code formatting and static code analysis in your Android projects

In the first part of our series on how to play your code the right way on your Kotlin projects, we will focus on integrating ktfmt for code formatting.

Reading Time 10 minutes

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WebAssembly for people in a hurry

Interested in WebAssembly (Wasm), but don’t have the time for in-depth research? Read this guide to familiarize yourself with some of its core concepts and use cases.

Reading Time 17 minutes

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Hedera insights and its impact on DeFi

Is Hedera a game changer for DeFi or just an unfulfilled promise? To find a response to this question, let’s first take a closer look at Hedera!

Reading Time 8 minutes

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Code smells and Anti-patterns: How to recognize bad code

‘Who doesn’t love a bit of bug fixing?’, said no one…probably ever. To make your code cleaner and more reliable, peek into this blog and learn to recognize the signs of poorly structured or inefficient code.

Reading Time 8 minutes

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BTC halving: what occurs, why, and when

Due to the BTC halving occurring on April 20, 2024, we dedicate a short story on what BTC halving is, why it happens, its causes, and its recurrence interval.

Reading Time 3 minutes

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